James Daniel Elijah Maruska

  • If I could travel to any time in the past…
    10 p.m. at night!

  • If I could have a superpower it’d be…
    flying, obviously:

  • Two truths and a lie…
    I once drove to Iowa and ended up in California, I once drove to Iowa and ended up in Mexico, I once drove to Iowa and ended up in Alaska.

  • I will never shut up about…
    my father and I were the first people to drive over the new 35W bridge.

  • I promise I won’t judge you if…
    I’m very accepting and non-judgmental.

  • If I could eat only one meal for the rest of my life it would be…
    street food, thai food, indian, mexican, etc. I’m not picking just one…

  • It’s meant to be if…
    you like cities, beaches, mountains, Europe, Southeast Asia, the beautiful colonial towns in Mexico.

  • I guarantee you that…
    I can win any game at a state fair, Renaissance festival, your family’s summer get-together, etc.

  • As a child, I was really into…
    I was in the pool or playing baseball every minute.

  • I’m hoping you…
    also like spontaneous travel.

  • I’m a real nerd about…
    beautiful old houses and vintage cars.

  • I quote too much from…
    BBC news, the NYTimes, or any of the hundred news and magazine apps I read.

  • Perfect first date…
    just going for a walk around a lake.

  • A pro and a con of dating me…
    I always stop to take pics of dogs hanging out of cars :/

  • We’ll get along if…
    you like road trips that wander across the country.

  • A fun fact I’m obsessed with…
    idk but I *was* fascinated by these switches at the dentist!

  • A review by a friend…

  • I’m a great +1 because…

  • After work you can find me…

  • _______ seeking _______
    farm animal seeking laughs.

  • My personal hell is…
    I bought these clearance “kiss don’t tell” boxers at Target and had my own Groundhog Day-torture wearing them everyday for a few weeks.

  • If you laugh at this, we’ll get along…

  • Something I learned way later than I should have…

  • My 3rd grade teacher described me as…
    Suit-wearing trendsetter.

  • Never have I ever…
    snuck full pockets of snacks into a movie.

  • What makes a relationship great is…
    perfectly demonstrated by these teenagers at Lund’s!

  • The quickest way to my heart is…
    a well-designed space!

  • When no one’s watching I…
    let my friends’ kids drive.

  • The world would be a better place with more…
    people who believe in science and not whatever the hell they want to believe.

  • I’m known for…
    cool old cars/motorcycles/furniture/etc.

  • If I were president…

  • My real-life superpower is…
    tenacity, for better or worse.

  • Swipe right if…
    you like banter and stupid fun.

  • I get way too excited about…
    trying to dress like Gareth Southgate, the coach of England’s football (soccer) team.

  • My zombie apocalypse plan is…
    first plane to Hawaii.

  • If I had three wishes, I’d wish for…
    well one would be this house:

  • If you saw the targeted ads I get you’d think I’m…
    yeah right nice try bubs!

  • Favorite quality in a person…

  • My most useless skill is…
    still trying. Sigh.

  • I’m still not over…

  • A non-negotiable…